Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Pregnancy Week 33

The baby is currently sitting head-up in the womb facing Parkes' spine and kicking her major organs. Parkes has mentioned this position is uncomfortable however the baby doesn't want to move. Something has got to give.

We went to an 'active birth workshop' on Saturday at Newlands School in Ramsgate. It was very informative and we also had an insight into modern-day cloth nappies (terries for those of you over a certain age). They look superb and apparently are alot easier to use and maintain than the old terries. Apparently 8 million disposable nappies in the UK are thrown into the rubbish each day - that's alot of nappies in land-fill sites. Maybe it is time to take the plunge and try cloth nappies. I am wearing one as I speak.

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