Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The End Of Summer

The end of August marks the end of summer in my books and may I say what a crappy one it was too! However let's not be down about the prospect of autumn and winter as they are not all about cold weather and dark days. Here is a list of things I really enjoy about autumn/winter;

1) Hearty winter dishes such as casseroles, stews and hotpots with lashings of creamy mashed potato.

2) Autumn and winter vegetables such and cabbage, brussel sprouts, parsnips and brussel sprouts (I like brussel sprouts).

3) Heavy and strong winter ales fresh from the pump. Grrrrr.

4) Wearing my favourite Tesco brown fleece with jeans. Also wearing big furry hats outside.

5) Seeing the sea being whipped-up into a frenzy by the cold winter wind. Then finding a warm pub to enjoy a pint of winter ale (see point 3)

6) Tits on my hopper.

7) Waking up on cold Saturday morning under a snug duvet knowing that I haven't got to go to work.

8) Mince pies and Christmas cake. I like these bits of Christmas - not a great fan of the rest of it. However maybe that will change with the patter of little feet.

9) "I'm a celebrity - get me out of here!!" Sorry, I know my stock has just plummeted.

10) Toasting my hairy hobbit feet in front of a real fire in our living room. Kaaapow!!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:18 pm

    *Being* woken up under a snug duvet at 5am and knowing the little sod needs feeding, again.

    Reality check Strings. Kiss goodbye to the lie-in for the next 14 years.

