Tuesday, January 15, 2008


I accidently caught some of Jamie Oliver's new show on Friday night. What I saw really brought home to me the crappy lives battery chickens live. I cannot believe all male chicks in the egg industry are killed. Also, the cages the chickens are kept in resemble mini chicken bedsits (without a bed and with too many occupants). I really like eating chook and I want the chickens (and eggs) I eat to have lived happy lives. As a result I shall not be eating any eggs (unless it is unavoidable) and only properly free-range chicken.

Meanwhile the bush in our office appears to have perked up and the flies have all died. Apparently the flies only had a 48 hour lifespan so I hope they enjoyed themselves.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:20 pm

    That show seems to have gotten everyone talking about something we should have already known. Still I guess this is a good thing.
