Friday, February 22, 2008

Where's Winter Gone?

It seems that only a few weeks ago it was November and I was buttoning-down the hatches for a long winter of commuting. It's almost as if King Keith has waved his magic wand and we have been propelled into the future. Whilst I don't want to wish my life away I do prefer the lighter nights which are well and truly on the way! Brilliant!!!!!

My Open University course is causing me some grief. The course itself is great and I am thoroughly enjoying studying the coursework. The trouble is the timescales involved for submitting assessment papers are too aggressive. I think I will just keep studying on my own and bugger the assessments/exams. I didn't really want the qualification anyhoo, I just wanted to improve my Spanish.

This weekend promises to be a nice relaxing one. Parkes is camping it up at some Take That musical tonight in Bromley and I am babysitting and studying. On Saturday Beth and I will be doing some daddy and daughter stuff. On Sunday I will be washing my bits.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:23 pm

    Just as well it was a short and not-too-stormy winter 'cos I don't think buttons are any kind of substitute for batons.

    'anyhoo'? Anyhow, one of my kid brothers always writes that. Why?

    Great father and daughter thing to do is come up to the local brewery, see your old chum and taste some ale.
