Friday, June 13, 2008


Recently I have been troubled by a dream. It involved me being driven in a taxi through dark country lanes. The taxi overtakes one of those athletic walkers who wobble their bums while they walk quickly. I must do something to upset the walker as the cab overtakes which makes the walker furiously chase the cab. The walker must reach speeds of 40mph+ and catches up with the cab. The cabs stops and the walker opens the passenger door, pulls me out of the cab and strangles me.

I asked my work colleague Paul what this dream meant. He said that I probably have something in life which is bothering me and this needs to be dealt with.


  1. The taxi driver said his name was Abdula but then pulled his long beard to one side to reveal his true identity: Andy Barrett from the Belgian bar.

    I think you cheated on the Thanet Yomp 2007 by catching a lift. The walker in your dream is you.

  2. I think the dream represents the guilt you feel for making me walk the thirty odd miles around Thanet on the Yomp, when all I wanted to do was jump in a taxi.
    You will remember that by the end of it I was one P**sed off walker and I admit that strangulation had crossed my mind once or twice on the way around Thanet...
