Wednesday, July 02, 2008

JP McEnroe v A Murray

When I was a small boy I used to enjoy watching the tennis coverage. We are talking very early eighties when the shorts were tight and sweatbands were compulsory. It was a bit of a golden age in the men's tennis world with the likes of Connors, Borg, McEnroe and Lendl playing. My favourite was John McEnroe - he was not only a good player but had an on-court attitude problem which, to a small boy, seemed dangerous and appealing.

Maybe age changes your appreciation of certain things but Andy Murray, who has a similar demeanour to McEnroe, gets right on my man boobs. He seems to think he's really cool, however he hasn't done anything on court to back it up. He also made an anti-English football remark. He plays Nadal in the quarter-finals and reckons he can go all the way. I reckon he can go 'all the way' to the barbers to sort his barnet out.


  1. Sabatini - I was in love with her the first year she played. Can't say I noticed the blokes though.

  2. Now she was a lady. I remember Sabatini - very nice thighs if I rightly recall. Ahh great days.
